Special Announcement about Covid-19 Midigation at St. John's

Please read

To be sure, God's Word directs and encourages His people to gather for worship of Him and to receive from Him His good gifts through His Word and Sacraments. This has always been true, and now perhaps especially true, as we need mutual encouragement from fellow saints and assurance from God's Word that He is with us and for us and that He has destroyed the greatest pandemics--sin, Satan, and death--through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

With that said, we encourage you to continue in prayer, worship, hearing the Word of God, and receiving the Sacrament as might be provided in a responsible way, even during this time of uncertainty with the Coronavirus (COVID 19).

AND we encourage the use of "sanctified wisdom" for the elderly and those at high risk.

At Saint John’s we offer the following steps to curtail the spread of virus until further notice out of love for one another and our neighbor(s):

  • Worship WILL BE HELD at the regular service times of 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m.
  • Adult Bible Class, Sunday School, Lenten Dinners, Coffee Hour, Quiz Kids, Ladies Bible Class, Choir, Bells, Preschool and Voter's Meetings are cancelled until further notice. (Jr. Confirmation will be held.)
  • Hand sanitizer – will be offered and required for use at the entrance to the sanctuary.
  • We will not use the common cup for Communion and will offer only well-spaced disposable individual cups.
  • There will be "continuous flow" distribution for Holy Communion without kneeing at the railing.
  • We will avoid greeting each other with a hand shake or hug.
  • We will only use every other row of pews.
  • Families and couples sit together, but, respect "space" between other fellow worshipers (6 feet) when possible.
  • We encourage frequent washing of hands under very warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Our Pastor and Elders will make use of hand washing and hand sanitizers before "setting the table" and distributing Holy Communion.
  • We will not pass the plates for the offering, but will have the plates on the back counter of the church.  Please drop your offerings in the “attended” plate as you enter for worship, or if you wish - as you leave.
  • Our custodian is paying special attention to cleaning and disinfecting "high touch" items like bathroom counters and faucets, door handles, light switches, and the like.
  • Those members who, because of health or age, are at greatest risk, are encouraged to stay home for their own protection. If you need a pastoral visit, please contact the church office.
  • Those "not feeling well" are asked to stay at home for the sake of their brothers and sisters.